
PhotoCredit: Emily Baker Studio

Everything feels like a question at the moment. Are masks a good idea? Should I go to the Farmers Market? How much baking is too much baking? Should I cut my own bangs?

Maybe. Probably Not. The Sky Is The Limit. Absolutely Not!

The question I am really pondering is should I be buying #stuff? For my Level 4 lockdown friends the answer is easy, there are no non-essential deliveries. So that Yu Mei handbag you have been mulling has to wait.

In the US, we can still buy handbags. We can still buy a lot of stuff. But should we?

With a possible recession looming. With so many people out of work and hurting. What is the responsible thing to do?

What has become clear to me is that our consumer dollar has a massive amount of power and impact right now. We are literally making decisions about which businesses will still be here in six months. That’s worth thinking about. IMHO.

Personally, I am supporting small businesses who can still ship. A few of my favorites are below and a couple of them have given me amazing discount codes for you to use. So you can direct your #quarantineboredombudget in the right direction. Please let me know if there are others you love and I will curate a bigger list.

RachelGrantJackson: I can’t say enough good things about her oils or her yoga. I would be lost without her wisdom, outlook, breathwork and intelligence. She has kindly offered a 50% off discount for all yoga bundles and oils on her site - good through April 30, 2020. The code for the discount is Squiggly.

Sub_Urban Riot:  You deserve to be uber-comfy. Sub_Urban Riot’s camo striped cambridge sweatpants are my everything. I have two pairs; I needed a backup. I am also obsessed with the Trinity Poppy Tee and the Chelsea Striped Tee. They have offered you a 40% discount using the code community - the code should be embedded in this link:

PowellBookStore:  I don’t have a discount code but as you purchase books to get you through this period PLEASE support an independent shop.

Any of the above are necessary items. Spend freely. Otherwise - if your purchase doesn't support small business or your pantry-prepping - maybe you hold off? Save some pennies where you can. Keep a list of what you didn’t buy and look at it again in 30 days. You will find you change your mind on 90% of your list.

Oh, and I will let you know as Yu Mei is shipping again. You can never have enough handbags.