PhotoCredit: Space

The final sprint to the end of the year is upon us. Holiday plans to make (cancellable of course; the new certainty is uncertainty.) Gifts to purchase (supply chains pending.) Projects to finish (maybe this is the year for inbox zero?) Parties to attend.

This year feels especially chaotic. The ebb and flow of on again and off again plans. Borders opening and closing. Stores open but stock pending. Traffic oddly busy. Deliveries unpredictable. Work seemingly gearing up, not quietening down.

It's easy for this time of year to be overwhelming and manic. It's easy to forget the wonder of this time of year. The rituals, the celebration, the sentiments and the implied rest of "the holidays." It's easy to let it all slip by as you, with tightened breath and panicked mind, race to the finish-line.

I'm doing it myself. My mind is a swirling tornado of things I need to do. My calendar is awash with meetings, dinners, and final calls for the year. It's not called the silly season for nothing.

When you are paddling in rapids you go with the flow. Not against it. I have personally given up on any misconception that I can be on top of everything. The everything is very much on top of me. I am in the depths of chaos and my work right now is to be ok with that. If things go a little sideways, if a few good habits drop, it's temporary.

Regardless, put a life-jacket on. Create space for a little calm. Maybe cancel a couple of meetings that really don't have to happen. Simplify your gift giving. Delete a couple of to-do items now rather than punishing yourself thinking you can do it all. And take a breath. Then take another breath. Now go, go, go. The clock's ticking.