In law school we learnt about the dangers of the slippery slope. One wrong step, we were warned, was likely to threaten the bedrock of society.

The concept of the slippery slope applies broadly. At it's core is the concern is that one small action may unravel the thread of a much bigger action. Leniency regarding marijuana carried for personal use could lead to the legalization of marijuana. Valid. This is starting to happen. More extreme, that the legalization of marijuana will lead to the legalization of all drugs. Harder to see, but possible. And then there are all the unintended consequences!

The concern is that chipping away at the foundations makes the structure a little shaky. A little erosion can create a landslide.

I use the slippery slope argument in our house a lot. Largely directed at myself. The landslides I worry about are in the realm of over-indulgence and reduced productivity. Like a slice of pizza will lead to my undoing. I will become a binge-watching, pizza-eating sloth.

I think I have misappropriated the concept. I will not become a sloth. I value productivity and contribution too highly. I will inevitably self-correct out of a period of excessive pizza eating as I ultimately place a high value on health.


It is the values underneath our goals and actions that the slippery slope principle should be applied to. Not just the individual values but our values in balance with each other.

When we were in Italy we found the most incredible pizzeria. Pizzeria Mediterranea -  pizza and a carafe of surprisingly drinkable wine for under 10 euro. What’s not to love? We went there everyday. For one week my value of happiness and fun was prioritized. When in Rome…


I don't believe there is erosion when you make a conscious decision based on your values. That becomes an action that is grounded in principle, it strengthens your foundations.

As I think about my goals for the year I am keeping my values in focus. Knowing that an imbalance is not erosion unless it becomes a fixed state to the detriment of my other values. I'm making pizza night as important as my writing goals, well almost. I'm letting my inbox get a little out of control to create space for projects I care about.

I'm leaving the slippery slope argument where it belongs, in legal jurisprudence.