PhotoCredit: DeadOrAlive?
PhotoCredit: DeadOrAlive?
I was trolling around the internet this weekend (the inquisitive kinda trolling - not the "I have no friends" kinda trolling) and stumbled over this photo.
So many hero's in one place. How had I never seen this before? Especially seeing Marie Curie represent with all the blokes. Epic.
This was the 1927 Solvay Conference. #timetravelgoals. The first major meeting of the minds on the then new theory of quantum physics. I swoon. Apparently, Einstein remarked “God does not play dice” in response to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. To which Bohr retorts: “Einstein, stop telling God what to do”. DYING.
Everything about this photo makes me happy. Most especially seeing Marie Curie front and center. Curie is the only woman honored with two Nobel Prizes in distinct scientific categories. Note that of the 29 attendees at the conference, 17 of them won Nobel Prizes. How many of them won prizes in two disciplines? Only Curie. Hence my crush.
From a squiggly perspective this historic moment is cool through more than "just" the quantum looking-glass. Solvay 1927 is the marker in time for when the scientific community moved on from the strict rules-based approach championed by the scientific realists. The instrumentalists, proponents of an outcomes and evidence based approach, won out over Einstein's linear-leanings.
You can see a little footage from the conference in this two minute youtube. Beyond awesome but, really, it's the photo that says everything to me.