PhotoCredit: SoSerious

I was once asked, on a panel at an event, how I go about solving business problems or ideating new ideas. It was a very serious question from a very serious audience. I thought about it for a second and started riffing on what I believe to be one of the more expansive ideation processes I know. Doodling. With colored pencils no less. You would have thought I mentioned psychedelics. Serious audience seemed very unconvinced.

Of course I explained how this has a logical origin. A) it's basically the same as using a whiteboard; B) diagram's have been used since forever to explain complex ideas and; C) doodling, drawing and color are all phenomenal tools to open up the right hemisphere of your brain to creative (innovative) thinking. I do all my meeting notes with multiple colored pens as I find it helps me absorb information and my notes become more visually appealing and engaging. AKA I actually go back and read them.

Those are a couple of ways I get a little fresh air into my day-to-day. I always have my set of colored pencils and a big blank sketchbook at the ready. And I carry a notebook with me everywhere (blank or dot grid) and a small pencil case with colored pens. My new fav are Frixion Pilot Erasable pens. Yes, an erasable ballpoint! I also love that I can buy refills for them so I don't kill the environment with my Luddite note-taking needs.

I thought I would share other ways I get a little problem solving inspo in my week. I would LOVE to hear your tips and tricks too as I am always on the lookout for new hacks.
ART. If you can get to a museum, do that for sure. Perusing art (and fashion) books can also be a great way to help you see differently. Meandering digital art on Pinterest works wonders and I also love watching fashion shows (it's amazing where a good show will take my brain).
INTERVIEWS. I love a good interview. Rolling Stone can always be counted on for a different take. I also recently listened to Tim Ferris interview Sir James Dyson and that felt like a good, classic, engineering inspo story.
DOCO'S. My two fav's for deep business inspiration are Abstract and Chef's Table. Something about these shows take you beyond the usual documentary format and into a true exploration of how their subjects overcame to deliver greatness.
OTHER INDUSTRIES. Whenever I encounter a curly question I always think about what other businesses in different industries have done to solve my problem. It's a nice break from thinking about your own business and the process of exploring other companies never fails to energize my brain.
SIMPLIFICATION. There are so many questions that we make too complex to solve. Strip down your issue to the first few steps or some smaller problems to solve. How would you explain it to a 3-YO? See if that doesn't open up a whole new way to think about what's challenging you.

And of course, when in doubt, take a walk. You may not solve your business challenge but you sure will feel better for it. Though, I would put money on you coming up with a solid insight to help take you forward.