
PhotoCredit: LovePik

I woke up this morning, after a restful and productive weekend, feeling super-charged for the week ahead. I’d cranked on a number of projects that had eluded me, I’d had some Covid-appropriate social engagement, Yoga and Pilates CHECK. I was ready to knock out the week. Garfield so got it wrong, Mondays rock.

I checked my email, to be sure nothing urgent came in over-night. Then I got cranking on a few admin tasks I had left over from my super-star weekend.

Then I realized, oh yeah, my blog. That thing I write every week. For like the last 18 months. Same routine. Each week. Still managed to forget.

I mean, it’s the first item on my to-do list for the week. I just hadn’t opened my notebook yet. I got so caught up in a lot of little things and I got distracted from my main thing in the process.

It’s all recoverable. I’m writing it now. I’ll get it done. What is super interesting is how easy it is for us to get veered away from the important things in life. Focus and keeping the main thing the main thing are core to my beliefs - and my daily practice. Still, it was that easy to miss a beat. That easy to slip up.

It was amazing to conquer some of the pebbles and the sand, to use Steven Covey’s language. My misstep was not re-focussing at the end of that process. I got too caught up in the impossible and unimportant goal of inbox-zero and distracted myself from what I really care about.

It’s the end of June. We are half way through 2020. The most distracted year on record. You can be forgiven for letting every little (and big) thing take you off-course. I’ll happily give you a pass for the rest of 2020 too. But, before I do. Sit down for 5 minutes and think about where you want to be January 1, 2021. Well, other than on a beach somewhere drinking Pina Colada’s. What do you really care about. And are you doing those things?