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PhotoCredit: Iconic

There are lots of reasons to long for 2021. Long for 2020 to be a distant memory. With two months (almost) left in the year, I’m finding myself casting forward. Thinking about what I can achieve next year. What I might be able to create with a whole new year at my disposal. With this unexpected mess behind us. How glorious will 2021 be?

2020 took us all by surprise. We had such grand plans. A year of such numeric symmetry bode so well. The year we were going to achieve all of our dreams.

We were robbed.

Yes we were. Some more than others. Some robbed blind. 

We must always honor what has been lost. We must also always honor what is ignored. What we neglect. We joke about the pandemic pounds. We talk of zoom fatigue. We quietly admit we may be having the “odd” extra glass of wine. We claim it’s impossible to motivate ourselves to workout at home. Like the gremlin of 2020 is forcing us, against our will, to avoid the changes we know we should make.

It’s all 2020's fault.

But. Your diet was not perfect pre-pandemic. You were already meeting fatigued...zoom fatigue just sounds more acceptable. PuhLEASE, we have all been avoiding our workouts since we became not 7-anymore. And let's not talk about drinking - that would require way more self-awareness than I can muster in this moment.

Dreaming of 2021 is futile. Possibly feeble even? It’s time we embrace the present. As uncomfortable and confronting as that is. What can I do now? In this moment? What can I do with the two remaining months of 2020? We have lost enough - it’s time to gain something back. Well, other than pounds!

From little change comes big change. When we accomplish one goal we start to look at other things we can conquer. We show up in the world with a sense that all change is possible. So let’s do our little things so maybe some of the big shit can start to shift. Now is the time.