PhotoCredit: PardonMyAppearance

I had a moment of defeat yesterday. I lost my cool. After a week of 'dealing with' (or frankly being dealt to by) Microsoft Teams, it's failure to work on all of my devices unleashed the beast. Beaten, I was unable to stop the ranting tirade that exploded on an unsuspecting colleague and friend. So uncool. And, worse still, that triggered his own frustrated tirade about his technology issues. Way to not help others Claudia!

When the pandemic first hit, I reflexively upgraded my iPhone. Something in me acknowledged that I would be spending a lot more time with my devices. Similarly, I woke up this morning thinking I needed to buy another device solely for teams calls. UGH, wrong response. What I need to do is some software maintenance; couple's counseling with my technology. We've just been spending a little too much time with each other and we both need a reset.

So I have scheduled an afternoon this week to work through a few of my over-used systems (google docs, trello, evernote and my calendar), devices (iPhone, iPad and Macbook) and tools/software (Teams! and frankly anything Microsoft). A spring-clean of my technology as it were.

With the end of the year hurtling towards us, I have clear completion goals: I want my systems in check as I close things out. A clean inbox, to-do list (with a heavy cull as needed) and a working operating system. Usually the end of the year is a chaos of events. The pandemic has given all of us a chance to under-indulge in that should we so choose. Whatever it looks like for you, think about what it will take for you to Finish 2021 With A Flourish.